Monday, October 1, 2007
"See, here's the thing..."
I have been rereading a book called, "The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and on with Your Training" by Dawn Dais. This book is absolutely hilarious and part of the reason that I decided to "get on with my training" and actually run this marathon. Anyway, in one part she talks about limits. I would like to quote her opening paragraph for chapter five - The Limit. She states, "We all have our limits. The maximum we can take. But the fact is that we as human beings rarely approach our limits. Things we perceive as personal limits usually just mark the limit of our comfort level, not the limit of any actual ability. It's not until we're challenged that most of us ever know what we are really capable of doing, " (p. 97).

So what's the point of this quoted paragraph? The point is that I have exceeded my limits this weekend. I have gone far beyond anything I ever thought I was able to do both physically and mentally. I was able to actually run 20 miles (which took me a little over 4 hours by the way...yes, I told you I run REALLY SLOW!). I also actually reached my fundraising goal. This, to me, was the biggest challenge. It involved me going out of my comfort zone and actually asking people to give me money...OK, so the money wasn't going to me, but it always felt like I was asking them to give ME money.

Needless to say, I have gone beyond my limits...and I will surpass myself once more on marathon day. Go TEAM!


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