Thursday, October 25, 2007
Marathon Pics!

"See, here's the thing..."

I am officially a marathon finisher! Woohoo! However, I have been in excrutiating pain since Sunday night. I didn't really sleep Sunday night because I couldn't get comfortable. When I did try to roll over to find a comfortable spot, it hurt so bad I wanted to cry! Not to mention the blisters on my feet in between my toes and the raw spots on both arms. Trying to get up and walk anywhere on Monday was horrific. Tuesday wasn't much better. But, I kept moving in order to work everything out.

So, was it worth it? You bet! I am so proud of myself. I can't believe that I actually FINISHED 26.2 miles! In addition, I raised over $4500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and was a part of an amazing team. In addition, Keith and the kids were there to cheer me on and be a part of the experience. I couldn't have done it without them.

Thank you to everyone for all of your love and support throughout my marathon experience!!

Here are just a few marathon quotes that you may or may not appreciate:

*"To describe the agony of a marthon to someone who's never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind." ~Jerome Drayton

*"Marathoning is like cutting yourself unexpectedly. You dip into the pain so gradually that the damage is done before you are aware of it. Unfortunately, when awarenss comes, it is excruciating." ~John Farrington, Austrailian marathoner *Marti's note: Tell me about it!

*"There is the truth about the marathon and very few of you have written the truth. Even if I explain it to you, you'll never understand it, you're outside of it." ~Douglas Wakiihuri speaking to journalists *Marti's note: This is sort of like earning your black belt for those of you who earned one before the year 1995!

Enjoy the pics...I'll post some more of our sight seeing this weekend!


Blogger Ashley said...

Look at you! Way to go!

Blogger Kami said...

Woo Hoo! I wish I could run in a marathon... I would have passed out after about the first 5 minutes!

Blogger Ty said...

and me who got it. miss made me do the longest kata ever 50 million times!

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