Monday, May 28, 2007
Is it Summer Yet?
"See, here's the thing..."
I know that I haven't posted in a while. It seems that the end of school is as hectic as the beginning of school. So, I have had to bring work home every night for the past week, and I am sure that it will continue for the next two weeks until I am officially out for the summer.

Last week was not a great week for my running. On my usual 10 mile Sunday morning run, I rubbed the biggest, nastiest raw spot on the inside of my thigh that was actually oozing gunk! I know, that was probably more than you wanted to hear, but get over it. Anyway, I could barely walk with it like that, much less try to run. So, my Monday run was put off and my Wednesday run was terribly slow, short, and painful. I didn't get to run on Friday either because I didn't get off of work until late and my cousin graduated from H.S. that night. I did manage to get out on Saturday morning before kickboxing, but I was still nursing my leg and didn't go as far as I would have liked. However, I did get in my full 10 yesterday and about 6 this morning.

My fundraising is starting to take off. I have actually had people donate money! YEAH! Every little bit helps, but I still have a LONG way to go...any fundraising ideas would be greatly appreciated (besides the garage sale idea, Fitz).

Ty and Ry Update:
Ty - Ty will be graduating from 5th grade and moving into middle school on Wednesday. They toured her new school last week and she came home very nervous about next year. She said that the school was "confusing" and there were lots of "big scary 8th graders" that were as big as Daddy. Now that is scary!
Ry - Ry will be graduating from kindergarten tomorrow. It doesn't seem like he should be going on to first grade. He's still my baby...I know all you moms out there understand that.


Blogger Karen said...

It doesn't seem like Ty should be graduating from 5th grade either! We are getting old!

Blogger Karen said...

Maybe Bodyworks will sponsor you! That would be great publicity for them. OR maybe we can get the karate class to donate. We could also get the AJ involved. Maybe they can do a story. OR...I could contact Bryan Mudd and the news can do a story! Maybe I will just designate myself as your fundraising chairperson!

Blogger Karen said...

Oh...bake sales are always good!

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